The Harvest Partnership is a Spirit-led movement of Jesus’ disciples investing spiritual, relational, intellectual, physical, and financial capital to multiply disciples and expand God’s kingdom.
As he sends out his disciples, Jesus says this:
"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Luke 10:2
Then, what are some real world actions you can take to join in the work of the harvest?
Step 1 | Pray
Join us in setting an alarm on your phone or watch for 10:02 am each day. Pray Jesus’ prayer in Luke 10:2, that God would send more harvest workers into His harvest (and that we may be among them).
Step 2 | Explore
Read about our mission, vision, and values. Get a taste of who we are on our partner’s page. If those resonate with you, connect with us to see what the Harvest Partnership is all about.